samedi 21 août 2010

AccessDNA community leader badge graphic

Hi everyone, I recently received that email:
You have been identified as a leader in the Angelman Syndrome community. By sharing your personal, first-hand experiences with this disorder on your blog (Zachary's life as an Angel), you have helped others. AccessDNA's mission is to help increase the awareness of both rare and common genetic disorders by creating accessible and reliable information on genetic conditions. We respect your efforts and are privileged to distinguish your blog with the following award.

How cool it is!! Thanks to everyone how is following my blog, and feel free to share!

Thanks, Audrey!

mardi 3 août 2010

Hi everyone! Did you miss me? Didn't have a lot of time since I am going to the summer camp. I have a lot of fun playing with my old and new friends. We do a lot of stimulating activities and I learn new things that I can apply at home. The sad part, only one week left before the end of the camp. School will start soon. (August 30-31) I can't wait to meet my new teacher. I hope that'll have Maude as a teacher again!

I also learned a new sign: "again". I can ask mom to have more of something. She bought an Ipod touch, to help with my communication. She installed the Look2learn program which provides pictograms and words. We can also add our pictures and audio, so that's very cool when we go out, and easier to use than pictograms in a communication book. If that program works well for me, maybe we'll find subventions to have another kind of program: Proloquo2go which is more expensive (200$) than Look2learn (30$).

Bonjour tout le monde! Je vous ai manqué? C'est que je suis grandement occupé, avec le camp d'été, les visites ici et là, ainsi que les autres activités. C'est triste car il ne reste que une semaine avant la fin du camp Laura Lémerveil. Mes amis et intervenants vont me manquer! Nous y faisions tellement d'activités intéressantes, je bouge tout le temps! Un bonheur parmi tout ca, je recommence l'école d'ici la fin du mois d'août, et j'ai très hâte de voir qui sera mon enseignant et mes éducateurs/éducatrices.

J'ai appris un nouveau signe: "encore". Alors je peux parfois demander à maman pour ravoir quelque chose. Aussi, elle s'est procuré un Ipod touch, ainsi qu'un programme de communication, le Look2learn. Alors c'est bien plus simple pour tous quand nous allons à l'extérieur. Ils y ont 80 pictogrammes sous forme de photos, ainsi que l'audio. Nous pouvons aussi ajouter nos propres photos ainsi que l'audio qui s'y apprête. Si ca fonctionne comme nous le voulons bien, nous ferons peut-être une demande de subvention pour avoir un programme plus performant et dispendieux, le Proloquo2go (200$) comparativement à 30$ pour le Look2learn.